SHPRS Writing Studio

The School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies offers a one-on-one writing center for students enrolled in all SHPRS classes, particularly philosophy. The SHPRS writing studio is run by SHPRS faculty and philosophy students who are dedicated to helping students at any step in the writing process. Each student is given specialized instruction and guidance that they can carry with them even after they have left the studio. The writing tutor also provides assistance to students who are enrolled in logic classes.

The writing tutor can help you: 

  • Plan an upcoming paper
  • Understand the conventions of writing, especially those of philosophy
  • Improve your writing by providing review of and feedback on a current paper
  • Utilize proper documentation and citations
  • Understand the logical structure of a paper
  • Grasp the basics of formal and informal logic
  • Become a better writer

The SHPRS Writing Studio is closed for the summer. See you in the fall.


Lattie F. Coor Hall, 3311 or online