Student Resources

Student Resources

Academic Calendar and Class Schedules
Helpful Links
  • Major Map & DARS - Have questions about your Major Map and DARS? Click on the link for a helpful video explanation.
  • Transfer Guide - See how courses and exam scores will transfer to ASU.
  • ALEKS Mathematics Placement Exam - The math placement exam is required for all First-Year and Transfer students, unless you have already fulfilled your math requirements prior to coming to ASU or have transferred an equivalent prerequisite course for the ASU math course you intend to take. 
  • Accuplacer Exam - This is a placement exam for English composition courses. Admitted students who have not sent official ACT or SAT scores will need to take this exam. If you already have credit for ENG 101, ENG 102 or FYC MET (check your DARS report for explanation of FYC MET), you do not need to take the Accuplacer Exam.
  • Second Language Placement and Proficiency Exams - If you plan to enroll in second language courses and have studied the language previously, take the placement exam to determine the appropriate course level, unless you have prerequisite transfer credit for the course you wish to take. For Spanish, you must take the placement exam, even if you wish to enroll in SPA 101. Only true beginners are eligible for 101-level second language courses. If you are already proficient in a non-English language and need to demonstrate this, see the proficiency exam section at the above link.
  • Financial Aid - Do you have Financial Aid questions? Click on the link or call 855-278-5080.
  • Scholarships - Are you interested in free money? Click on the link to search for scholarship opportunities.
  • Register for classes - How do I register for classes? How do I drop/add/swap a class?
  • Drop/Withdrawal Deadlines - Utilize the Academic Calendar to find out when the drop/withdrawal deadlines are. Once you’re enrolled in classes, you can also view the drop/add deadlines on your My ASU page in the My Classes box (click on the calendar icon across from each course, next to the instructor's name) .
  • Study Abroad - Think Study Abroad is too expensive? Think again. Learn about study abroad programs and how to make them work for you!
  • Accelerated BA/MA in History - Did you know ASU offers an accelerated BA/MA in History? Also called a “4+1” program, this is an accelerated path to a master’s degree in History that allows you to share some credit hours between your undergraduate and graduate degrees. View more information and find out if you are eligible to apply.
Career Resources
Course Overrides

Click here for override procedures for courses in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.