Decorative photo representing the degree Asian Studies, Certificate

Explore Asian culture and history to better understand and complement fields of research that interest you, such as art, technology, finance and law.

Decorative photo representing the degree Ethics, Certificate

Ethics, Certificate

Ethics are the foundation of many legal and political systems. Pair your bachelor's degree with the study of ethics to become a better philosophical thinker who can solve ethical problems.

Decorative photo representing the degree History, Minor

Explore the past to prepare for the future in any career you choose. Complement your current degree with a foundational background in history. You'll select from an assortment of topics, including international history and the history of college sports.

Decorative photo representing the degree Islamic Studies, Certificate

Explore the history and politics of Islam, from the Great Wall of China to the Islamic Center of America in Michigan. Develop a nuanced understanding of Muslims and their many contributions to world culture.

Decorative photo representing the degree Jewish Studies, Certificate

Gain a deeper understanding of Jewish history and religion, Jewish interactions with majority cultures, and the Jewish contribution to contemporary society. Enhance your historical and cultural appreciation for Jews and Judaism through this globally focused program.

Decorative photo representing the degree Philosophy, Minor

If you have a curious mind, add a philosophy minor to your degree program. Reading comprehension, combined with logical reasoning and writing skills, creates a well-informed citizen prepared for the workplace.

Decorative photo representing the degree Political History and Leadership, Certificate

Don't just talk about your career plans --- act on them now. Through courses and optional weekly dialogue series, you'll learn from guest speakers from a variety of career fields. Take advantage of faculty members who will work with you to prepare resumes and apply for internships, job opportunities and graduate school.

Decorative photo representing the degree Religion, Conflict and Peace, Certificate

When you understand the crucial role of religion in both conflict and peace, you gain a broad knowledge of human division and unity. This understanding and the skills you gain in the program will be assets as you pursue your choice of career.

Decorative photo representing the degree Religious Studies, Minor

Explore religious traditions around the world while examining human interactions within and among those traditions. Develop critical thinking skills and an understanding of various cultures, both of which will accompany and enrich any degree you're currently pursuing.

Decorative photo representing the degree Russian and East European Studies, Certificate

Explore the vast and culturally diverse regions of Russia, East Europe and Eurasia. A multifaceted plan of study offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture. Take advantage of study abroad opportunities to learn an in-demand but less commonly taught language such as Ukrainian, Turkish or Persian.

Decorative photo representing the degree Sports, Cultures and Ethics, Certificate

Whether it's in intense fandoms, age-old rivalries, broken records or controversies, sports have become embedded into everyday life. Delve deep into the human aspect of sports --- the historical background, morals and cultural significance --- that affects fans and athletes alike.

Decorative photo representing the degree Symbolic, Cognitive and Linguistic Systems, Certificate

The logic of mathematics and computing is combined with the deep-thinking process of philosophy in this program that challenges your right and left brain, preparing you for future goals with skills in language, theory and logic.