From What We Know to How We Know It: Expanding the Story of Southeast Asian Freshwater Biodiversity

Date & Time: Friday, April 22, 2022, 10 a.m.
Location: Zoom

Join us on Friday, April 22, 2022, at 10 a.m. AZ time for our eighth lecture in Global Asia in a Multipolar World virtual lecture series. This lecture will be provided by Anthony Medrano, assistant professor of environmental studies at Yale-NUS College. 


From Sumatra's Batang Hari to Mindanao's Lake Lanao, the state of Southeast Asian freshwater biodiversity is rich and remarkable, and yet also in crisis. In this talk, we'll explore what we know about the island world's ichthyofauna through a journey of its species and habitats. We'll also survey some of the main drivers of biodiversity change. From thinking about the present, we'll then take a dive into the past, looking at how we know what we know about the fish diversity of Southeast Asian freshwaters. In doing so, we'll center a different kind of biodiversity story — one borne from the local scientists who contributed to our current state of environmental knowledge. This talk hopes to show how biodiversity research can bring a new relevance (and urgency) to Asian studies.