Asian-American Experiences in the United States

Date & Time: Thursday, April 15, 2021, 2 p.m.
Location: Online


Join the Anti-Racism Committee for a discussion with Professors Aggie Yellow Horse, Karen Leong and Karen Kuo about the Asian American story throughout U.S. History and the role of Asian Americans in today's social movements.

Speaker Bios:

Aggie Yellow Horse is an assistant professor of Asian Pacific American Studies and Justice and Social Inquiry in the School of Social Transformation (SST). Her research focuses on understanding social determinants of racial health disparities by examining the influences of sociohistorical and neighborhood contexts.

Karen Leong is an associate professor of women and gender studies and Asian Pacific American studies in SST. In all aspects of Leong's scholarship research, teaching and community engagement, she explores the overlapping and mutually reinforcing discourses of gender, race, class and nation, and how these discourses have advantaged some and disadvantaged others in United States society.

Karen Kuo is an associate professor in SST. Her current work focuses on the geopolitical and cultural representations of Asia and Asians in films and novels of early twentieth-century America. Her work examines how U.S. narratives about Asia and Asian migration culturally defined U.S. understandings of the foreign and the domestic.