Accelerated History BA/MA
Looking to speed up the time it takes to receive your degrees? Ready to enter the workforce with your new skills? Our accelerated degree program allows you to earn your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in five years rather than the normal six.
3.3 cumulative GPA
Timeline – From Application to Student:
Freshman – First Semester of Junior Year
- Direct questions to your undergraduate academic advisors.
Junior Year, Second Semester - Tempe students
In order to apply, you must complete the steps below in the following order:
- Meet with your undergraduate advisor during the spring semester of your junior year to confirm your eligibility for the program. You and your advisor will review your progress towards your undergraduate degree and make sure that you will be able to complete the BA requirements in a timely fashion. At that meeting, an initial timeline for both your undergraduate coursework and your graduate coursework will be put together.
- Meet with the Graduate Programs Student Services Support Coordinator Jacklyn Collens. She will review your proposed timeline and discuss your areas of interest and whether the MA program is a good fit for you.
- Complete a Graduate Education application for the MA degree in history in the spring semester of your senior year. The current deadline for applying is April 15. All items that need to be added to your application are listed on our Graduate Application Requirements Page.
Students who enroll in the program, but decide not to continue in the MA portion, may do so with notification.
The current deadline for applying is April 15, to begin the program the following fall (your senior year).
After being admitted, your admission to the MA program is “put on hold” until you complete the BA and the degree has posted.
Students who enroll in the program, but decide not to continue in the MA portion, may do so with notification.
Junior Year, Second Semester (or 75-90 hours earned) - Online students:
There are multiple start dates available (see priority deadlines below). Your start term should be one that will allow you to complete the remaining requirements for your undergraduate degree within approximately one year.
In order to apply, you must complete the steps below in the following order:
- Meet with your undergraduate advisor at least one month prior to the priority deadline for your start term to confirm your eligibility for the program. You and your advisor will review your progress towards your undergraduate degree and make sure that you will be able to complete the BA requirements in a timely fashion. At that meeting, an initial timeline for both your undergraduate coursework and your graduate coursework will be put together.
- Meet with the Graduate Programs Coordinator Jacklyn Collens. She will review your proposed timeline and discuss your areas of interest and whether the MA program is a good fit for you.
- Complete a Graduate Education application for the MA degree in History to begin the semester following your undergraduate graduation. The list of required materials for applying to the M.A. program is available on the Online History MA webpage. For the accelerated BA/MA, you do not need to take the Graduate Record Exam.
Applications are reviewed bi-weekly. Once your application is complete, you will hear back with the faculty’s decision within two weeks of the next review, regardless of your chosen start date. Students may start in fall, spring, or summer in Session A or Session B. The sessions follow the ASU Online calendar. In order to be admitted for your desired term, please complete your application by the priority date.
Priority Application Dates:
July 28 for Fall A admission
September 15 for Fall B admission
December 1 for Spring A admission
February 1 for Spring B admission
April 15 for Summer admission
Students who enroll in the program, but decide not to continue in the MA portion, may do so with notification.
Q. Who assists with the pre-application (Pre-application refers to the internal verification of eligibility within the school/department.)?
A. Your undergraduate advisor
Q. When to meet with graduate advisor?
A. After meeting with undergraduate advisor and verifying eligibility and course plan.
Q. When can students enroll in graduate level courses? The first semester of senior year?
A. The Graduate Coordinator will clear you for courses.
Shared Classes
400-level HST course (for example, HST 485)
Any 3 graduate-level HST courses approved by graduate advisor
*** Please note: admission into the graduate program is not a guarantee. If you are not admitted, please know that the graduate-level courses you complete and pass, will still apply toward your bachelor degree as upper division credits.
Fast Facts
4+1/accelerated programs save time since a bachelor’s and master’s degree can be obtained in as little as 5 years*
No, but you can still apply to any ASU master’s program.
Yes, as long as you completed all the necessary requirements to graduate from your bachelor’s program you will still graduate.
No, students must immediately begin their master’s program once they graduate with their bachelor’s degree.
Yes, you may complete your undergraduate degree (including the shared courses) as an online student, but you will need to apply for the graduate program as a Tempe campus student. Once you are in the graduate portion of the program, you will only be able to take courses open to Tempe campus students.
Yes, you may complete your undergraduate degree (including the shared courses) as an on-campus student, but you will need to apply for the graduate program as an ASU Online student. Once you are in the graduate portion of your program, you will only be able to take ASU Online courses.
No, there are two separate ceremonies for graduation. The bachelor’s ceremony is separate from the master’s ceremony.
Undergraduate contact:
Email: SHPRSadvising@asu.edu
Phone number: (480) 965-8364
Graduate contact:
Email: SHPRSgradinfo@asu.edu
Phone number: 480-965-5387