Graduate Fellowships and Awards

Graduate Fellowships and Awards

Because of the kindness of donors, the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious is able to offer fellowships and awards to assist you in your academic journey. 

ASU Scholarship Search

Please note: All applications are due on February 15 unless otherwise noted. Be sure to check scholarship portal for exact deadlines. 

New fellowship for History MA students

The history faculty at ASU are pleased to welcome applications for the ASU History MA Graduate Excellence Fellowship. This merit-based program supports promising students who are committed to advancing ASU’s Inclusive Excellence goals. We seek to train historians from the widest range of backgrounds so that historical knowledge and historical professions benefit from the broadest perspectives and engage with the most inclusive teaching and research possible. In line with the ASU Charter’s focus on access, inclusion and excellence, this fellowship program provides up to two years of funding that includes tuition remission, healthcare and an annual stipend ($24,586 for the 2023-2024 academic year). Recipients will work 20 hours per week each semester as a Teaching Assistant and participate in regular professional development activities.

Who is eligible?

All students admitted to the History MA Program (Tempe) are eligible to apply. The strongest candidates will articulate how their backgrounds and research interests will contribute to identities and perspectives that are underrepresented in historical professions. We particularly welcome applications from students with individual circumstances of an exceptional nature and those underrepresented in historical professions, including first-generation and minoritized student populations. Arizona residents are strongly encouraged to apply.  

Are online students eligible for this fellowship?

No. This fellowship is limited to students who are enrolled in the in-person MA program at the Tempe campus.

How do I apply?

How do I apply?

You must first complete an application to the History MA program. Then you should submit your application to the History MA Graduate Excellence Fellowship application by email to Director of Graduate Studies Christopher Jones. In that email, please include the following information: 

  • Your Name: 
  • Email address: 
  • Have you been admitted to the ASU History MA Program? If not, have you submitted a complete application? 
  • The History MA Graduate Excellence Fellowship is designed to advance ASU’s mission of Inclusive Excellence by training historians from the widest range of backgrounds so that historical professions benefit from the broadest perspectives and engage with the most inclusive research and teaching possible. In 250-500 words, describe how your background and interests fit into and will advance the goals of the fellowship program. 

Do I have to be admitted to the History MA program first?

Yes. Your application to the History MA Graduate Excellence Fellowship will not be reviewed until you are admitted to the History MA Program. It is acceptable to submit both applications at the same time, though you are advised to complete the applications at least four weeks before the review deadline if you are submitting both at once.

Can I apply to the History MA program without applying to this fellowship program?

Yes. Admission to the History MA program is conducted on a rolling basis and is entirely independent of the History MA Graduate Excellence Fellowship.

Do I have to know what career I intend to enter or pursue a PhD after completing the program?

No. Many historical careers can be pursued with the receipt of a MA degree and we know that most people change careers many times. We are interested in supporting a variety of career paths including K12 teaching, public history, museum administration, non-profit organizations, government and applying to PhD programs. We expect that admitted students will proactively engage the program and its faculty to build the foundations of their historical career during their time of study.

When are applications reviewed?

The History MA Graduate Excellence Fellowship has a priority deadline of May 1. If positions remain available after this deadline, we will make further decisions on a rolling basis after that point if positions are available.

Applications to the History MA program are reviewed on a rolling basis throughout the year. Most candidates receive a response within four weeks of having all their files (including letters of recommendation) submitted.

Available Awards

Emma Goldman History Travel Grants

The Emma Goldman Travel Grant is named in honor of Emma Goldman, in memory of Dr. Christine Harzig. "Red Emma" played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in the United States and Europe in the first half of the twentieth century. Her writings and speeches were an inspiration to Chris, who wanted to recognize her own admiration for Goldman's passion for her life's work.

In planning, editing and contributing to the 1997 work, Peasant Maids - City Women, Chris made a notable contribution to migration studies. She framed the argument within the difficult domain of research on places of origin as well as destination, at the same time focusing on the still poorly developed context of gender and migration. Chris went on to publish extensively, in German and English, on diverse subjects, including household workers, gender and the social constructs of diversity. In her last work, Migration und Erinnerung, published in 2006, she brought together her own and other historians' essays on personal and cultural memory of the migration experience. In her attention to memory, she reminded us of its great force in our lives, and of how those who have gone before may continue to guide us.

The recipient should be a graduate student studying women's history and/or migration studies in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies or related areas at Arizona State University, such as Women and Gender Studies.


  • A research proposal with questions, hypotheses, sources, timeline (1000 words)
  • A description of their travel plans with estimate of cost (3000 words)
  • A letter of support from one of the graduate faculty in the Department of History and/or a related academic area at ASU.

Post-award Requirements

  • A written progress report (750 words) within 60 days of the completion of the travel funded by the grant. The report should be sent to the Chair of the History Department.
  • The recipient must agree to acknowledge the support of the Emma Goldman Travel Grant in all publications, conference presentations, dissertation and other relevant written documents.

Deadline: March 1


Hilmar C. and Mildred C. Krueger Scholarship in Modern and Medieval European and English History

Hilmar Carl Krueger received his PhD in History and German Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1932. From 1929-1940, he taught medieval history at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In 1940, Dr. Krueger joined the University of Cincinnati faculty and assumed the Taft Chair in Medieval History. During his retirement in Arizona, Dr. Krueger continued his scholarly research as an internationally-known medieval historian and was appointed an Adjunct Professor of History at Arizona State University.

The Krueger scholarship is intended primarily to support research trips to Europe for history graduate students studying in the fields of modern and medieval European and English History. Funds permitting, travel for other research-related purposes (e.g., language training, trips to relevant archives outside Europe) will also be considered.


  • Please be prepared to submit a research proposal, a detailed budget and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.

Deadline: March 1


History Research Endowment Fund

Due to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the history program has received endowed funding to support faculty and student research. 


  • Proposals will be considered from any undergraduate or graduate student majoring in history.

Submitted applications are reviewed in the fall, spring and summer for the upcoming semester. 


Lorig Public History Scholarship

Tom and Zona Lorig have deep roots in Arizona and have committed their personal and professional time to growing and serving the community within which they live. They have established this scholarship to benefit qualified students with a strong work ethic who are pursuing a degree focused on Public History. They value and are committed to making history relevant and useful in the public sphere, and wish to support students who feel the same.


  • Recipient shall be pursuing an academic degree in history with a focus in public history.
  • Recipient shall have documented financial need as defined by ASU Financial Aid and Scholarship Services.
  • Applicant must also be a US citizen and a resident of the State of Arizona.
  • Deadline: October 31


Max Millett Family Travel Grant for History Graduate Students

The Max Millett Family Endowed Fund provides research assistance to graduate students studying Arizona History with an emphasis on the role of Mormons. Two award recipients will be selected each year.


  • Submit a description of the proposed research and statement of its significance (maximum 500 words)
  • Detailed budget (maximum 2 pages)
  • A supporting letter from a faculty member

Deadline: March 1


Michael A. Steiner Memorial Award for Best History Thesis in British or European History

The Michael A. Steiner Memorial Award is given to a graduate student in history to recognize the best completed masters or PhD thesis in British or European history. The award is given in memory of Michael A. Steiner, who attended Arizona State University for both his undergraduate and Masters degrees. He earned his MA in history from ASU in 1992, studying British and European history. His thesis was titled, "British Quality Periodicals on Ireland, India and Africa 1880-1930." Prior to his death, he had been accepted to Washington University and had won a doctoral fellowship. His parents established this award to recognize other ASU students pursuing this type of scholarly work at the graduate level.

This award is open to any history graduate student who defends their thesis in British or European History during the current academic year. One monetary award will be given in the spring semester prior to graduation.


  • Submit abstract from thesis
  • Letter of support from faculty advisor

Deadline: March 1


Noel J. Stowe Public History Fellowship Endowment

Public History graduate students established this endowment to honor an esteemed faculty member, Dr. Noel J. Stowe who taught at ASU for 41 years, founded the Public History Program and chaired the Department of History for eight years. The students wanted to thank Professor Stowe for his contributions to public history, his exemplary years of teaching and his impact on student lives. The Noel J. Stowe Public History Fellowship is awarded to one graduate student in public history in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies.


  • Submit CV as well as a one-page personal statement.

Deadline: March 1


SHPRS Online Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund

The SHPRS Online Graduate Student Conference Travel Fund provides travel assistance for students in either the online History MA or the World War II Studies program who are presenting at an academic conference or are attending an academic conference for professional development.

There will be two review cycles with a Fall deadline of September 1 and a Spring deadline of May 1. For either cycle, an application can either be for a future conference (as long as the student can show proof of registration) or for reimbursement of a past conference.


  • Preference will be given to students presenting/attending national or international academic conferences relevant to their field
  • Preference will be given to students presenting at the conference, but those attending are still eligible for travel funds
  • Students can apply more than once, but we will give preference to first time recipients
  • Students who have finished their Capstone can apply for funds within one year of completion

Upon completion, the student will be required to write a blog for Spark

Submit in your application, one pdf with the following items:

  • Budget (travel, hotel, conference registration, etc.) and amount requested (maximum award of $500 per application)
  • Evidence of acceptance and/or registration for conference
  • If presenting please submit: Abstract of paper. If only attending please submit: Discussion of what panels applicant is attending and why.


SHPRS Research Grant/University Graduate Fellowships

SHPRS Research Grants are competitive awards that provide up to $5,000 in one term to assist doctoral students in History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies in completing their degree programs. The aim of this support is to facilitate timely degree completion by reducing financial obstacles. Application funds may be used to offset any demonstrated financial barrier to completion, ranging from direct research expenses to cost-of-living expenses. Highest priority will be given to those applicants that most clearly demonstrate how financial support is necessary and will accelerate the completion of their dissertation. The applications of students who have applied for need-based Graduate College Fellowships and external grants will be prioritized. Applicants may apply for and receive this award more than once.

Call for applications will occur every fall and spring semester.

Additional funding opportunities are available from ASU Graduate College. Click here for more information. 

SHPRS Student Support

The ASU School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies (SHPRS) Student Emergency Assistance Program was established to help students in distress due to the COVID‐19 pandemic. Funded by donations from the SHPRS community, the program is a small gesture in an overall University strategy to support the health and well‐being of SHPRS students for the duration of this crisis. This fund was established to help SHPRS students in the event of an unexpected emergency. The amount of funds available to distribute is limited. Not all requests will be funded or funded in full. 


Thomas H. Critchlow Scholarship

The Thomas H. Critchlow Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students interested in the study of the history of political liberty and economic freedom.


  • Must be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student (Political History and Leadership certificate program student preferred) 
  • Recipient shall have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Applicants should include a resume.
  • Applicants should include a 600-word analytical essay examining a critical decision that was made by a leader of their choice, and how that decision revealed qualities of good or bad leadership.
  • Submit a completed application, resume and essay via the ASU Scholarship Portal by March 1 deadline. 


Wallace E. Adams Memorial Award for Excellence in European History

Nan Adams, in memory of her husband Dr. Wallace E. Adams, established this $2,000 scholarship to support students who demonstrate sustained excellence in the pursuit of European history.

Submit a letter to the history scholarship committee explaining why you should be considered, a letter of recommendation from a faculty member in history, a copy of a paper from a class by April 25 deadline. 


William C. Jenkins - History Teaching Fellowship

The William C. Jenkins - Helios Education Foundation History Teaching Fellowship aims to advance the teaching of History and to respond to the need for highly qualified teachers. The fellowship is given to graduate students enrolled in a School for Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies History or World War II Studies MA program and who are teaching or intend to teach history. Recipients must exhibit a depth of understanding and passion for teaching history. This fellowship is renewable with reapplication each year.

William "Bill" C. Jenkins was a founding director of the Helios Education Foundation, a philanthropic organization dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals in Arizona and Florida by creating opportunities for success in postsecondary education. During his lifetime, Bill was a passionate advocate for history education and he inspired the Helios Education Foundation to invest in ASU's History department, helping to improve the quality of history education. Bill earned his master's degree from ASU, taught history for 29 years in the Scottsdale Unified School District, and supported ASU as a dedicated alumnus.


  • Graduate student enrolled in a SHPRS history or World War II studies MA program
  • Preference will be given to recipients with financial need and financial need shall be considered by the committee when comparing potential recipients.
  • Preference will be given to recipients who have an AZ connection.  Examples include students who have graduated from an AZ high school, college or university and also express a desire to teach in AZ.
  • Recipient holds a teaching certificate or intends to teach history at the high school level
  • Two letters of recommendation 
  • A written statement about your educational and career goals

Deadline: May 1



For information regarding the American Indian History of the West Research Fellowship and Race and Ethnicity Research Fellowship, click here

Additional Financial Support

Graduate Assistantships

The primary financial aid available to graduate students is the graduate teaching assistantship. The School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies annually awards graduate assistantships on a competitive basis. Half-time awards include full tuition remission and health insurance. Quarter-time awards include half-tuition remission without health insurance. Teaching assistants provide instructional support to members of the faculty, including: grading exams and papers, monitoring online class discussions, and helping develop instructional materials for classes. Advanced doctoral candidates who have passed their comprehensive exams have the opportunity to do independent teaching and participate in the formal TA Training Program. Other funding opportunities are available in advising, editing, and project management in conjunction with various funded projects of faculty members. The majority of available financial aid is reserved for doctoral students. In all cases, financial aid is limited and highly competitive.

Please note these assistantships are available for PhD candidates and not MA students. 

Additional Financial Support